News & Events
"Alice Fowler was excellent and inspiring" - Bournemouth Writing Festival
March 16th 2025: I'm delighted to be judging the Creative Writing section at the Basingstoke Music and Arts Festival 2025.
March 20th 2025: Author talk at Cranleigh Library, 6-7pm - 'Short stories & more with Alice Fowler'. Tickets £3 on Eventbrite, from Cranleigh Library, or email
December 7th 2024: Festive Writers' Showcase - a free event at Zero Carbon Guildford, with local poets and writers reading from their work.
November 14th 2024: 'Think like a journalist to market your work' - a Fly On The Wall online workshop, suggesting creative ways to gain press coverage for your writing.
November 9th 2024: Reigate Library Christmas Fayre.
October 17th 2024: Short Story Showcase Part of the Guildford Book Festival, writers Alice Fowler, Ruth Brandt, Sarah Hegarty, Julie Evans and David Reading showcase their work.
September 25th 2024: Fly On The Wall panelist: 'Market your short stories in the digital age'.
September 20th 2024: Guest speaker at the Society of Women Writers & Journalists' AGM at the Victory Services Club in London.
September 19th 2024: I was delighted to interview Kate Bradbury for the Guildford Book Festival.
August-Sept 2024: Judge of Guildford and Horsley Libraries' summer short story competition.
July 19th 2024: 'In conversation' event at the Guildford Institute, with Programme Manager Chelsea Eves.
July: I was delighted to judge Wokingham Writers' Group summer competition.
July 6th 2024: Guildford Arts Summer Exhibition at the Mill Studio, Yvonne Arnaud Theatre, Guildford.
June 29th 2024: Live reading at the Literary Tent at Guilfest, organised by the Fiery Bird Venue, Woking.
April 28th 2024: Workshop for Bournemouth Writing Festival - Market your short stories as a human dynamo
April 12th 2024: Local Author Showcase at the Ealing Book Festival
March 2024: I was delighted to judge the Farnham Flash Fiction Competition, part of the Farnham Literary Festival.
March 13th 2024: Interview for 'Just Women' with Jackie Mitchell, Brooklands Radio
March 8th 2024: Library talk at the Guildford Institute, Surrey.
February 22nd 2024: Author talk at Woking Library, Surrey
February 18th 2024: Interview with Dave Jemitus, Brooklands Radio. Listen here
January 30th 2024: Author talk at Wokingham Library, Berkshire
November 14th 2023: Talk on short stories with author Tracy Fells, for Society of Authors' Surrey chapter
November 3rd 2023: Author talk at Guildford Library, Surrey
October 17th 2023: Book launch with author Tracy Fells, The Keep Inn, Guildford
October 11th 2023: Panellist, Fly On The Wall Zoom discussion of short stories
September 28th 2023: Author talk at Goldfinch Books, Alton, Hampshire
September 13th 2023: Waterstones book launch, Guildford
August 15th 2023: Interview with Amanny Mo and Josie Lloyd, BBC Radio Surrey & Sussex
July 6th 2023: Book launch at GUArt, Guildford
Reviews, Interviews & Articles
Review by Eithne Farry in the Daily Mail's Books section
Review by Linda Hill, Linda's Book Bag
My Weekly magazine's 'Best New Books', Aug '23.
Included in book blogger Linda Hill's 'My Top 30 Favourite Reads 2023'
Review by Steve Whitaker, Literary Editor of The Yorkshire Times
Review by Hugh Coakley in the Guildford Dragon News
Interview with Dave Jemitus, Brooklands Radio, Feb 2024. Listen here
Interview for the Guildford Institute blog
Interview for the HWA's Historia magazine.
Interview for Curtis Brown Creative
Interview for the Bookshelf Cafe News
Interview for Woking Writers' Collective
Interview with writer Sarah Hegarty
Interview with writer Gail Aldwin
Interview with poet Heather Moulson
#ThreeTwoOne feature on the Portobello Book Blog, March '24
Short story travel guide on The Book Trail, January '24
Feature on author resilience for Pen to Print.
Feature on how Guildford inspires my writing, for Round & About magazine
Feature for Guildford Environmental Forum, how natural landscapes enhance creativity
Feature on Wells Nub News
Copyright © Alice Fowler
All Rights Reserved