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Title: The Truth Has Arms And Legs

Author: Alice Fowler

Publication date: 14.7.23

Publisher: Fly On The Wall Press

ISBN: 978-1-915789-08-2

Available in: 198 x 129 mm paperback edition with French flaps 106 pages £9.99/ $13.99/€11.99

Genre: short stories, literary fiction, women's fiction, historical fiction, contemporary fiction

“These are precious things: stories written with delicacy and heart” – Wendy Erskine

“Alice Fowler’s stories capture precise and intimate moments of being” – Sally Bayley

“Fowler has weaved a collection of stories out of fine, tender threads” – Vanessa Onwuemezi

“Fowler writes beautifully” – Imogen Robertson

Delve into a world of change and reinvention. Where relationships are as delicate as turtle eggs, and just as easily smashed.

This poignant short story collection explores pivotal moments that transform our lives. Jenny, whose life is defined by small disasters, discovers a more generous version of herself. A traveller girl might just win her race and alter her life’s course. A widow, cut off in a riverside backwater, opens her heart to a stranger.

In this captivating collection, readers will be moved by the raw vulnerability of human connection, and the resilience that enables us to thrive and grow. In change, Alice Fowler’s characters find the ability to be truly free.

Available at, Waterstones and Amazon

Bios for re-use:

100 word bio:

Alice Fowler is an award-winning writer of short stories and longer fiction. She won the Historical Writers’ Association short story competition in 2020 and the Wells Festival of Literature short story competition in 2021. Other stories have been short- and long-listed in prizes and printed in anthologies. Her historical novel was longlisted for the 2021 Stylist Feminist Fiction Prize.

Alice has a degree in Human Sciences from Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford and worked as a national print journalist until 2006.

She lives in Surrey with her husband and teenage sons, and loves theatre, tennis and walking in the Surrey Hills.


200 word bio:

Alice Fowler is an award-winning writer of short stories and longer fiction. She writes about love, loss, reinvention, motherhood and the complex relations between parents and their children. Landscape and the natural world are also powerful sources of inspiration. 

Alice is drawn to writing about outsiders - people at the edges of society. Her stories explore resilience, and our ability as humans to change and grow.

Alice won the Historical Writers' Association short story competition in 2020 and the Wells Festival of Literature short story competition in 2021. Other stories have been short- and long-listed in prizes and printed in anthologies. She enjoys how, in the short story form, complex threads can be unpicked and rewoven, within a relatively small word count.

Alice also writes longer fiction. Her historical novel-in-progress, 'The Awakening of Lily Ash', was long-listed for the 2021 Stylist Feminist Fiction Prize.

Alice has a degree in Human Sciences from Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford and worked as a national print journalist until 2006.

She lives in Surrey with her husband and teenage sons. She loves theatre, walking and playing tennis, and finds most writerly conundrums can be solved while out walking with her rescue lurcher dog.


  • 2024 SWWJ 130th Anniversary Biography Competition, 2nd place
  • 2022 RNA's Elizabeth Goudge Trophy, runner-up
  • 2022 Exeter Story Prize, longlist
  • 2021 Wells Festival of Literature Short Story Competition, winner
  • 2021 Bournemouth Writing Prize, shortlist
  • 2021 Surrey Wildlife Trust 'Cutting Hedge Creativity' multimedia competition, winner
  • 2021 Stylist Feminist Fiction Prize, longlist
  • 2020 Historical Writers' Association Short Story Competition, winner
  • 2019 Harper's Bazaar Short Story Competition, shortlist
  • 2019 Historical Writers' Association Short Story Competition, longlist
  • 2018 Harper's Bazaar Short Story Competition, shortlist

Praise for The Truth Has Arms And Legs:

Wendy Erskine:

These are precious things: stories written with delicacy and heart.  Chance meetings and significant moments are rendered precisely and to such moving effect, in this deeply skilful and wise collection.  


 Vanessa Onwuemezi:

“Fowler has weaved a collection of stories out of fine, tender threads. Each one vibrates with her compassionate observation of life in its multitudinous forms.”


Imogen Robertson:

Fowler writes beautifully. These elegant, atmospheric short stories are filled with passion, renewal and movement but each has a certain quiet strength all of its own, each drawing us into rich histories and dramatic moments of change in the lives of her vivid and varied characters. 


Sally Bayley:

Alice Fowler's collection of short stories capture precise and intimate moments of being. Caught out by sudden and capricious turns in emotion, Fowler asks us to observe the whimsical, often callow, responses humans make as they declare who they are in the face of grievance and loss. Humans preparing to start again. Fowler's spare and modest style underscores a particular sensitivity to the relationship between individuals and their natural environment; the way in which green spaces and forms of botanical and organic life can alleviate and disperse negative emotion, entangled, unresolved habits of mind. Natural history endorsing new cycles of life.